Hamilton County NEGenWeb Project
Marquette, NE school pictures
'Freshman Class' of the Marquette School dated May 18, 1922
Donald William Derby is second from left.
Provided by Jerry H. Derby derbyjh@earthlink.net
1925 and 1929 from Marie Eaton Douglas collection
provided by Connie Douglas Snyder
Fourth Grade - 1925
Front Row:
Winfred Jacobsen, Dale Land, Donald Johnson, ??, Herman Peterson,
Joseph Oliver, Margret Graham, Erma Shaneyfelt
Back Row:
Lucille Sawyer, ??, Vivian Nible, Doris Grothe(sp?), Miss Jensen (teacher),
Dorothy Parris, Nita Peterson, Marie Eaton
Eighth Grade - 1929
Front Row:
Miss Norine Johnson (teacher), Astrict(sp?) Larson, Dorothy Leopold,
Archie Berch, Dale Land, Beulah Anderson
Second Row:
Wilda Wicker, Ruth Shaneyfelt, Herman Peterson,
Donald Johnson, Doris Goethe, Ella Larsen
Back Row:
Marie Eaton, Nita Peterson, Dorothy Parris, Vern Tuttle, Winfred Jacobsen