Nebraska STATE GAZETTEERBusiness Directory and Farmer list
for 1890-1891
J.M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1890, by J.M. Wolfe & Co. in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C.
Besler, a flag station on the U. P. Ry., two miles west of Ogalalla.
Dunning H C, postmaster.
Dunning M, genl mdse hardware, agl implts.
Johnson M, blacksmith, justice.
Scott Kate, dressmaker.
Hoylmen J J, drugs.
Marsh W F, justice.
Peck A A, justice.
Scott G T, genl mdse.
Scott S W N, postmaster.
Aufdengarten L, live stock.
Bank of Ogalalla, Lee Love pres, F G Hoxie.
Barnes James, shoemaker.
Barrett J H, prp Commercial Hotel.
Blackburn t, blacksmith.
Blackwood V S, well borer.
Brandhoefer L A Mrs, millinery.
Breisch E R, sta, tel and ex agt.
Brotherton J R, county judge.
Brown & McWilliams, real estate.
Budrow & Butcher, sheep breeders.
Cannon J H, justice.
Commercial Hotel, J H Barrett prp.
Conn George, surveyor, abstracter.
Cunningham H, groceries.
Cusack Alex, agl implts.
Daugherty M A, stock breeder.
Day E M Mrs, photographer.
Day & Son, props Ogalalla journal.
Del Monte Hotel, E W Betty & Hiram Bradley props.
DeVine W L, blacksmith.
Donelson F L, drugs.
Dorr R H W Mrs, mgr furniture.
Doughty J Mrs, dressmaker.
Doughty John, barber.
Elmberg Henry, livery.
Feltz F Q, attorney.
Fish Mary Miss, dressmaker.
Forsythe W A, groceries.
Gore O S, meat market.
Halligan J J, attorney.
Halligan & Nelson, hardware, agl implts.
Hally & Kennelly, genl mdse.
Hamilton W H, real estate.
Hanna L D, breeder Durham cattle.
Heffernan & Wood, genl mdse.
Hewitt & Haythorn, livery.
Hollingworth A, physician.
Hoxie F G, stock breeder.
Jones H M, genl mdse.
Keith County Bank, John D Bassett pres, H Carnahan cashier.
Keith County News, W H Mullane ed and prop.
Kiser J R, auctioneer.
Lawler J R, barber.
Line Bros, drugs.
Line L M, phys.
McCormick H, shoemaker.
McLean M, flour and grain.
McWilliams Frank, hardware.
McWilliams J S, live stock and real estate.
Mead H L, atty, real estate.
Mellette House, W H Wood prop.
Miller Albert, jeweler.
Moore C B, mgr Ogalalla Lumber Co.
Mullane W H, editor and prop Keith County News.
Newcomb Wm, barber.
Ogalalla Journal, Day & Sons ed and props.
Ogalalla Milling Co, L Aufdengarten prop, D McCall mgr, flour mill.
Ogalalla Opera House, L M Line mgr.
Paden G H, real estate.
Patton C Mrs, postmaster.
Powers F C, justice.
Rector L B, brick mfr.
Salisbury C R, dentist.
Searle E M, agt U P Ry lands, real estate.
Sheridan J W, school furniture.
Short E J, atty.
Skidmore R Mrs, carpet weaver.
Skiles Joseph, restaurant.
Stamn Henry, wagonmaker.
State Loan & Trust Co, H L Gould pres, J M Houghton cashier.
Thomas G W, mgr State Loan & Trust Co, genl mdse.
Williams J S, housemover.
Wood W H, billiards and prop Mellette House.
Woods F E, atty.
Bank of Paxton, J C Palmer cashier.
Clarkson J R, stone quarry.
Coats G P, genl mdse.
Cole G F, nursery.
Fenlon Bros, real estate, agl implts,
Gass D P, blacksmith.
Globe Hotel, D & L Stafford props.
Granger & Billings, confectionery, billiards.
Gunnell C E, lumber, drugs.
Harris R D, phys.
Haskell Cap, live stock.
Hill Harry, editor and prop Paxton Republican.
Hutton L K, postmaster, real estate, justice.
Johnson H W, genl mdse.
Lynn & Chamberless, grist mill.
Miles H, hardware, agl implts, furniture.
Miles H Mrs, bakery.
Morfott S, carpenter.
Morgan E B, carpenter, contractor.
Myers Charles, shoemaker.
Paxton Pilot, John W Wilson editor.
Paxton Republican, Harry Hill editor and prop.
Pease & Brown, livery.
Potter Frank, blacksmith.
Reed Charles, painter.
Salisbury J R, lumber, agl implts.
Stafford D & L, props Globe Hotel.
Tyler & Butman misses, millinery.
Welsh A A, grain, flour and feed.
Wilson J W, ed Paxton Pilot, atty.
Wilson & Muldoon, real estate.
Winehart G W, sta, tel and ex agt.