Saline County
NEGenWeb Project
1921 Torch Yearbook
This flaming
"Torch" we now send forth
To all friends both far and near.
To prove to you the wondrous worth
Of our "old Friend High School" dear.
Of course it can't, but nothing could
Explain quite all we've done
But we hope 'twill show as nothing else
Why Friend High has a place in the sun.
We've tried to give you in this "Torch"
The scenes to our mem'ries most dear
The friendships and fun and the vict'ries won
Which were ours throughout the year.
So we hope you'll truly enjoy it
And remember the venture is new.
Make excuses for things we overlooked.
For we tried our best to please you.
To the institution which
has for twelve years been a source of learning and pleasant
companionship to us and which has meant so much in the forming of
our ideas and ideals.
Not to the bricks and mortar and stone that composes the structure,
for a school is not merely a building, but a living, vital force.
To those who have in the past given their strength, their wisdom and their
talents, that this school might live and thrive, we dedicate this

© 2011
Saline Co., NEGenWeb Project
Kathie Harrison